Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are your Bible study materials free?

Yes – “freely ye have received, freely give” – Matthew 10:8.

Are your Bible study materials copyrighted?


Can I copy your Bible Study Materials?

Yes.  Even though they are copyrighted, we are happy  that people want to use these materials. The only two things that we ask is: –

  1. That you do not make any deletions, additions or changes to our study materials.
  2. We also ask that you give credit where the materials come from.

Do you have your Bible study materials available in a paper format?

No.  The costs of printing and mailing to all parts of the globe, is too prohibitive. The Website makes these valuable, truth filled studies available world wide, at no cost.

Is there anything or any Denomination to join?


Do you have a regular email Newsletter to which I can subscribe?

Not at this time. I believe that there is an abundance of Bible studies on a wide range of topics, available on our Website, that it will give a truly interested reader, many hours of Bible study, so that a regular email Newsletter is not necessary. I may reconsider this decision in the future, depending upon user responses.

“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” – Isaiah 8:20.

COPYRIGHT 2022 – Find Comfort in the